Reference Biochemistry Department
The Reference Biochemistry Department is a UKAS Accredited medical laboratory (UKAS no 9067) providing a full range of routine and specialist testing
Working out of King’s College Hospital in south London, we undertake testing for the hospital and its surrounding community, and for applied and contracted biomedical research. Of the 4 million tests we undertake per year, 80% are routine diagnostic tests and 20% are highly complex and specialised.
We are a centre for training in metabolic medicine for medical graduates and laboratory staff and provide comprehensive pre- and post-investigation consultation and interpretation of results for hospital medical staff and general practitioners.
Under the lead of consultant clinical scientist Professor Roy Sherwood, we:
- Evaluate new assays and offer contract research for the NHS.
- Support clinical and research trials for both public and private sector organisations. We are currently collaborating with major global pharmaceutical companies and research institutions.
- Maintain our focus on developing and training our people. Several staff have undertaken research projects for MScs, PhDs and Royal College accreditation. We also support laboratory-based projects for undergraduate, post-graduate and overseas students.
Last updated on 05/12/2013
Friday, 1 July, 2016
Williams ST
Ito S
Wakamatsu K
Goral T
Edwards NP
Wogelius RA
Henkel T
de Oliveira LF
Maia LF
Strekopytov S
Jeffries T
Speiser DI
Thursday, 12 March, 2015
Marsden JT
Guppy S
Stein P
Cox TM
Badminton M
Gardiner T
Barth JH
Stewart MF
Thursday, 12 March, 2015
Goyale A
O'Shea J
Marsden J
Keep J
Vincent RP
Wednesday, 12 November, 2014
Piper S
Amin-Youssef G
Shah AH
McDonagh T
Friday, 17 October, 2014
Petrova NL
Dew TK
Musto RL
Bates M
Edmonds ME
Wednesday, 2 July, 2014
Wykes C
Arasaretnam A
O’Driscoll S
Farnham L
Dees DC
Tuesday, 6 May, 2014
Victoria Perna
Dorota Dworakowska
Klaus-Martin Schulte
Simon Aylwin
Fatima Al-Hashimi
Salvador J. Diaz-Cano
Tuesday, 15 April, 2014
David Taylor
Cross GF
Omar S
le Roux CW
Vincent RP
Monday, 17 March, 2014
Sofia Christakoudi
David A. Cowan
Friday, 7 March, 2014
Goyale A
Ashley SL
David Taylor
Elnenaei MO
Alaghband-Zadeh J
le Roux CW
Vincent RP
Monday, 2 December, 2013
S.L. Thrower
D.A. Buckley
Thursday, 1 August, 2013
Joanne T Marsden
David C Rees
Reference Chemistry and Immunology Quality Manager
Service Delivery Manager

Reference Biochemistry Department at King's College Hospital
020 3299 4107
King's College Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Last updated: 05/12/2013