Support Arrangements
We appreciate that you may have questions about this transition and would like to reassure you about the measures we’re putting in place to ensure a smooth transfer of services into the hub. These include:
- Robust and comprehensive readiness checklists to ensure we are ready ahead of go-live.
- Careful consideration when planning the phased approach across the six boroughs. For example, we’ve prioritised practices with the lowest transfer impact to go first, because existing technology is already aligned meaning that changes are limited. This gives other practices with a greater number of changes more time to plan.
- The staggered approach to transferring services enables us to maintain analytical expertise in hospital-based laboratories at the same time as having specialist resources within the hub, effectively doubling our capacity throughout the transition.
- A ‘Gold command’ team will be activated and hold daily checkpoints. It will be attended by representatives from different parts of the healthcare system, so that issues can be identified, addressed and responded to effectively and quickly.
Should you have any questions, please contact
Last updated: 27/03/2024
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