Annual Quality Report and Account
An integral part of public engagement, encouraging ongoing dialogue with all our stakeholders.
Welcome to the Viapath 2019 Quality Account
What is a Quality Account?
Viapath provides a wide range of pathology services including services for NHS funded patients. A Quality Account is a report about the quality and service improvements which are delivered to local communities, customers and stakeholders, by an NHS healthcare provider. Our Quality Accounts are published annually, including on the NHS website and are available to the public. The requirements are set out in the Health Act 2009 and amendments were made to include quality indicators in accordance with the Health and Social Care Act 2012.
The quality of our services is measured by looking at patient safety, effectiveness and feedback from patients and customers.
What are the key themes from the Viapath 2019 Quality Account?
The key themes for the Viapath 2019 Quality Account Assuming Our Ambition, include:
- A successful year of delivery with a record 36.5million units of activity undertaken in 2019. (CEO report pages 3-5, & COO report pages 13-14).
- The successful implementation of the new Blood Transfusion Laboratory Information Management System platform at GSTT. (COO report 13-14 & Risk management section page 22).
- Replacement of the core chemistry and haematology platform and instruments at KCH Denmark Hill and the PRUH. (CSO report pages 9-10 and Incidents, page 17).
- All laboratories maintained their annual UKAS 15189:2012 accreditation or were successfully assessed for the next four-year accreditation cycle. (Accreditation and inspection page 23 – 24).
- Progress made with understanding why incidents happened and taking corrective action including the role of the Service Improvement Team (Quality Performance Report pages 16 – 31).
- Our patients and customers gave us feedback about what worked well and where there were problems. (Compliments and Complaints section 33 – 36).
- The Viapath employee pulse survey saw an engagement score of 70%, up 4% on 2018, and colleagues shared feedback, which included improvement ideas for wellbeing, which were taken forward (HR Director report pages 38-40).
You can read the Viapath 2019 Quality Account below and if you have any comments or suggestions we would love to hear from you, so please get in touch.
‘Everyone has a key role to play in delivering safe services for patients.’
Welcome to the 2018 Viapath Quality Account. It demonstrates our open and transparent approach to patient safety and quality and how we discharge our statutory obligations for delivering services to NHS funded patients.
Viapath’s pathology services support every patient pathway across our healthcare community every day of the year for:
- A cancer diagnosis
- A serious infection
- Patients with multiple organ failure in the intensive care unit
- A GP health-check
- An A&E visit
Monitoring of long-term conditions
Patients and clinicians need certainty of a safe, quality service on-time, every-time. This is monitored by Viapath and our customers separately and together through:
- Performance indicators in the laboratories and across the whole pathway
- Feedback from customers with compliments or complaints
- Auditing of policies and practice
- Reporting of incidents and the review of risks
How we do this is described in our Quality Account.
This year, our Quality Account puts the spotlight on the important work which our customer services and Service Improvement Team undertake and how our teams are making a difference for patients and customers.
You can read more by accessing the Viapath 2018 Quality Account;
Improving Patients’ Lives
Viapath proudly presents its 2015 Quality Account which gives an insight into how Viapath delivers high quality services.
"Quality is not just about today, but how we adapt to new scientific advances for the benefits of tomorrow’s patients"
Professor Jonathan Edgeworth, Medical Director, Viapath
This is now the second year we have shared our Quality Account publicly as a demonstration of our commitment to quality and transparency. The national context to the publication of this Quality Account is the reaffirmation of the need to put patient quality at the centre of all NHS services in the light of the publication of the report of the Public Inquiry into the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust chaired by Robert Francis QC. This was followed by the report of the Pathology Quality Assurance Review chaired by Dr Ian Barnes after an incident at Sherwood Forest Hospitals where problems with Pathology quality assurance negatively impacted on a number of cancer patients. Viapath shares Dr Barnes’ commitment to a ‘relentless focus on improvement, which champions the patient as a user and operates in a reflective and open manner, so that it can improve not only its own performance, but share its learning to benefit the rest of the NHS.’
In 2013, we undertook several major service reviews, assessing the fundamental quality of service and our customer offering, all of our sites had unannounced inspections by the Care Quality Commission and passed with flying colours, and audits with and by our customers resulted in some real improvements in a number of areas including reduced waiting times for Phlebotomy and faster test results for A&E. We also strengthened our assurance framework in establishing an organisation-wide Governance Risk and Quality Committee
Last updated: 28/10/2020
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Viapath is a founding member of The Association of Independent Pathology Providers (AIPP), which is a trade association representing innovative research-based diagnostic testing companies.
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