Cancer Specialist Diagnostics Service
A specialist diagnostics service is a key component of effective cancer management.
As cancer treatment moves rapidly towards risk-adapted therapy, manipulation of the immune system and identification of novel targets for new drug development; patient management depends increasingly on specialist diagnostics.

Building on our expertise and capabilities in the diagnosis of solid tumours and haematological cancers, we have developed the Cancer Specialist Diagnostics Service (CSDS), a fully integrated diagnostic service based in the large Regional Genetics Centre at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust.
We offer a comprehensive and integrated specialist diagnostic service for solid and haematological cancers, comprising Cellular Pathology (histopathology and cytopathology), Haematology, Flow Cytometry, Oncology Cytogenetics, Molecular Oncology and Pharmacodynamics. This unique service has one of the largest repertoires of tests available in the UK. And by combining skills and technology platforms into one large diagnostic hub, the service benefits from economies of scale and shared expertise, not only in cancer but across all areas of genetics. *
The service bridges the historical separation of haematological and solid cancer diagnostics, and combined with imaging services through our strong clinical multi-disciplinary teams; allows optimum planning and review of integrated patient care.
Furthermore, development of the ECMC/ BRC, Quintiles and NIHR Catapault unit in Guy’s Tower enables a unique interaction between onsite clinical research teams and bioinformaticians through which we are developing the next generation of diagnostic tests that will support the daily care of current and future cancer patients.
*This model is in keeping with the recommendations of the 2012 report of the national Human Genomics Strategy Group which highlights the need for consolidation into Biomedical Diagnostic Hubs that will ‘incorporate all current laboratory-based diagnostic services in pathology and genetics (inherited and acquired diseases)’ (Building on our inheritance, Genomic Technology in Healthcare (2012) A Report by the Human Genomics Strategy Group), and the improvements in cost-effectiveness and quality through consolidation proposed by the Carter Report (Lord Carter of Coles (Chair) (2006) Report of the Review of NHS Pathology Services in England).
Last updated: 30/04/2014