Aleksandar MijovicMBBS PhD FRCPath

Dr Mijovic is a Consultant Haematologist with specialist research interests in Transfusion Medicine and was appointed as a joint consultant between King’s and the National Blood Service, in 1999. He is also the medical director of the Apheresis Unit at King's.
Dr Mijovic graduated in medicine from the University of Belgrade, Serbia in 1978 and has worked as a haematologist at the Institute for Haematology, University Clinic Centre in Belgrade before his appointment as a research fellow at King's College School of Medicine in 1993.
He has over 50 publications in peer-reviewed journals and books. He authored the book "Transfusion medicine-case studies and clinical management" and has received research grants from the National Blood Authority and pharmaceutical industry. He is also a teacher of the European School of Transfusion Medicine and the European Haematology Association.
Dr Mijovic served as adviser to World Health Organization and is a reviewer for seven international transfusion medicine and haematology journals.
Special Interests:
- Blood transfusion in special clinical situations (e.g. Haemopoietic cell and solid organ transplantation, Sickle cell disease, Foetal medicine)
- Drug-induced neutropenia
- Haemolytic and megaloblastic anaemias
- Therapeutic apheresis and haemopoietic cell mobilisation
Professional Memberships:
- British Blood Transfusion Society
- European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
- European Haematology Association
- Royal College of Pathologists
- Serbian Medical Society
Last updated: 13/05/2014