Haematology Laboratory at King's College Hospital
Laboratory overview
Our laboratory provides the largest service in the SE Thames region for haematological malignancies, transplantation, red cell disorders, transfusion medicine and coagulation.
We have an extensive referrals base encompassing not only London and SE England but also nationwide and international.
We accept general haematology referrals from other consultants at King's and local General Practitioners. King's provides services to a local catchment area with an ethnically diverse population of 220,000, resulting in a large workload of routine clinical and laboratory haematology.
Blood sciences Haematology laboratory is a UKAS accredited medical laboratory (No 9092), accredited to ISO15189:2012 for the tests listed in the schedule of accreditation on the UKAS website https://www.ukas.com/wp-content/uploads/schedule_uploads/00007/9092-Medical-Single.pdf
Key features
- We are recognised as a centre of excellence for haematological malignancies, including myelodysplastic syndrome, acute myeloid leukaemia, chronic myeloid leukaemia and lymphoma.
- We run one of the largest haemoglobinopathy services in the UK.
- We provide services for complex medical and haematological problems.
- In an average month, the laboratory undertakes over 8,000 coagulation screens, 2,000 sickle cell and thalassaemia screens, 1,300 cross matches, 100 cytogenetic studies, 500 immunophenotypes and 50 red cell enzyme studies.
- The department participates in quality assurance schemes including the UK NEQAS schemes (http://kingspath.co.uk/quality/) for blood group serology, immunophenotyping, haemoglobinopathies, thrombophilia and blood coagulation, cytogenetics, haemophilia, Factor V Leiden/prothrombin genetic analyses
- The adult full blood count reference haematological ranges are based on an internal study carried out in December 2007 using samples from the local population.
- The paediatric full blood count reference haematological ranges are based on the work carried out by Barbara Bain.
Blood Sciences test list
See attachment below for our most up to date test repertoire

Haematology - Blood Sciences at King's College Hospital
Bessemer Wing
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Last updated: 13/11/2013