Dr Olivia Shaw BSc (hons) BSHIdip MSc PhD FRCPath

Olivia started working in the Clinical Transplantation Laboratory at Guy's Hospital in 1998 as the laboratories first supernumary Clinical Scientist trainee, following on from studying Biomedical Sciences at the University of Bradford.
In the past 15 years she has had the opportunity to develop from a recent graduate to a fully fledged Clinical Scientist. The first four years as a supernumary allowed her to complete the British Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (BSHI) diploma and gain an MSc in Medical Immunology, both of which culminated in her state registration as a Clinical Scientist with the Healthcare Professions Council.
"I was then lucky enough to be offered a full time job with the Clinical Transplantation Laboratory and since this time I have progressed through head of the Serology Section and more recently head of the department completing both part the Royal College of Pathologists examinations and my Doctorate, both of which I would count as my most significant achievements so far."
Her area of interest within the field of transplantation centers on the role of HLA specific antibody in solid organ, and more recently stem cell, transplantation, with a particular focus on facilitating transplantation across HLA specific antibody barriers in patients who would otherwise be unlikely to receive a transplant.
She is a member of the British Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, The British Transplantation Society and a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists.
Last updated: 30/09/2022