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Advanced Diagnostics Laboratory at King's Andrology Laboratory at Bedford Automated Chemistry Laboratory at Guy's and St Thomas' Biochemical Genetics Laboratory at Guy's Blood Transfusion Laboratory at Bedford Blood Transfusion Laboratory at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital Blood Transfusion Laboratory at King's Blood Transfusion Laboratory at Princess Royal University Hospital Clinical Biochemistry at the Blackfriar's Hub Clinical Biochemistry at the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory at Bedford Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory at King's Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory at Princess Royal University Hospital Clinical Neuropathology Clinical Transplantation Laboratory at Guy's Hospital Community Phlebotomy Cytogenetics Laboratory at Guy's Cytology Laboratory at Princess Royal University Hospital Cytology/ Cytopathology Laboratory at Bedford Cytology/ Cytopathology Laboratory at St Thomas' Dermatopathology Laboratory at St Thomas' Diabetic Clinic at Guy’s Hospital Diabetic Clinic at King's Diabetic Clinic at St. Thomas’ Hospital Diagnostic Haemostasis and Thrombosis Laboratory at Guy's and St Thomas' Diagnostic Immunology Laboratory at King's Drugs of Abuse Laboratory at King's Fetal Medicine Unit Laboratory Flow Cytometry/ Immunophenotyping Laboratory at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital Haematology and Blood Transfusion at the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals Haematology Laboratory at Bedford Haematology Laboratory at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital Haematology Laboratory at King's Haematology Laboratory at Princess Royal University Hospital Haematology Laboratory at the Blackfriar's Hub Head and Neck/Oral Pathology Laboratory at Guy's Hospital Histology Laboratory at Princess Royal University Hospital Histology/ Histopathology Laboratory at Bedford Histology/ Histopathology Laboratory at King's Histology/ Histopathology Laboratory at St Thomas' Histopathology and Cytology at the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals Immunochemistry Laboratory at King's Immunodermatology Laboratory at St Thomas' Immunosuppressant Monitoring Service at Harefield Hospital Immunosuppressive Drug Monitoring (IDM) Service Inherited Metabolic Disease Laboratory at St Thomas' Intraoperative PTH Monitoring Service Liver Histopathology (HIS) Liver Molecular Genetics Laboratory Metabolic Laboratory at King's Microbiology at the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals Microbiology Laboratory at Bedford Microbiology Laboratory at King's Microbiology Laboratory at Princess Royal University Hospital Microbiology Laboratory at St Thomas' Molecular Genetics Laboratory at Guy's Molecular Haemostasis Laboratory at St Thomas' Molecular Neuropathology Laboratory Molecular Oncology Unit at Guy's Mycology Laboratory at St Thomas' Nutristasis Unit at St Thomas' Oncology Cytogenetics at Guy's Phlebotomy - Evelina Children's Outpatients Phlebotomy - Guy's Hospital Outpatients Phlebotomy - King's College Hospital Outpatients Phlebotomy - St Thomas' Hospital Outpatients Point of Care Testing Service at St Thomas' Porphyrins and Gastrointestinal Laboratory at King's College Hospital Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis at Guy's Purine Research Laboratory at St Thomas' Red Cell Centre - Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory Red Cell Centre - Protein Laboratory Red Cell Laboratory at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital Red Cell Laboratory at the Blackfriar’s Hub Reference Chemistry at the Blackfriar's Hub Reference Chemistry Laboratory at St Thomas' Regional Newborn Screening Laboratory at St Thomas' Routine Coagulation Laboratory at King's SAS Cardiovascular Markers Laboratory Scientific Research and Innovation Services SE-HMDS Cytogenetics Laboratory at King's SE-HMDS Immunophenotyping Laboratory at King's SE-HMDS Laboratory for Molecular Haemato-Oncology at King's College Hospital Skin Tumour Unit at Guy's Hospital South East Genomics Laboratory Hub (SEGLH) Steroid Laboratory at King's Synnovis Immunosuppressant Service Laboratory The National Diagnostic Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) Laboratory at Guy's hospital Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Laboratory at King's Tissue typing (Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics) laboratory Trace Elements Laboratory at King's Virology - Hepatitis Testing Service (HTS) Virology Laboratory at Blackfriars Hub Virology Laboratory at King's Virology Laboratory at St Thomas'
Overseen by our highly skilled experts, our extensive Blood Sciences Department operates a vast test repertoire across all our sites.
A specialist diagnostics service is a key component of cancer management; it is essential for diagnosis, risk stratification and minimal residual disease monitoring.
We have Central Specimen Receptions across our four sites. These CSRs are at the forefront of our pathology service, processing hundreds of thousands of patient samples each month.
The department provides a comprehensive service in support of renal and pancreas transplantation across the South East.
With our laboratories forming part of the regional Genetics Centre, we are deeply rooted in a collaborative, expert network of regional, national and international genetics services.
Our blood test department operates across our London hospital sites, via community based services and a specialist paediatric service at the Evelina Children's hospital.
Our Specialist Haematology Department encompasses the Red Cell, Molecular Haemoglobinopathy and Flow Cytometry/ Immunophenotyping Laboratories across our London sites.